Sat, 10 Jan 1998

IDT funds slow to reach families

DILI, East Timor: Channeling of the state-sponsored IDT funds for the eradication of poverty here is too slow, a senior government official said here Thursday.

Mubyarto, an assistant to State Minister of National Development Planning Ginandjar Kartasasmita, said the channeling of funds has impeded poverty eradication programs in the province.

Speaking to reporters during yesterday's visit to the Camea village of Dili Timur subdistrict, he cited the fact that only 42,000 out of the registered 138,000 poor families have received the funds, which started five years ago.

He said 37,796 families out of 96,000 who have also not yet received funds were those targeted to receive the Takesra and Kukesra, another state-sponsored rolling funds scheme designed to help people start their own small businesses. (33)