Sat, 11 Dec 2004

Idle child protection body revived

Evi Mariani, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

While other children are shielded from violence on TV, Ratih experienced it firsthand, in her own home.

The eight-year-old Bekasi student was allegedly burned on the chest and back by her stepmother, and bears the scars. Her neighbors took her to a nearby medical clinic for treatment. Then, for her own protection, Ratih was taken to the neighborhood unit chief's house.

She was luckier than Ezra, 5, as her suffering was discovered by people outside her family unit.

Up until a year ago, Ezra was frequently abused, with the consent of his parents, allegedly by the leader of a religious sect in Pondok Daun, named Susan Sembayak. Ezra's parents are members of the sect.

The explanation given by former sect members is that Susan could not stand Ezra's crying. They told the police that Susan had dipped Ezra's feet into boiling water in January 2000.

Both child abuse cases are currently being investigated by the police. The perpetrators may be charged with violating Article 80 of the child protection law on the physical abuse of children.

Anyone who is concerned about the welfare of a child may call any of the Jakarta Institution for Child Protection's (LPA DKI) hotline numbers. The LPA DKI, which was established through a gubernatorial decree in 1997, is collaborating with the city administration in providing the hotlines.

Head of the LPA DKI Roostien Ilyas, said on Friday that it would start operating early next year. For seven years, the institution has been unable to offer its services due to a lack of human resources.

"The hotline numbers will accommodate reports of children's rights violations. We will direct the reports to the right institution, such as counseling organizations or the police," she said.

Roostien encouraged Jakartans to contact the LPA DKI if they suspected a child was being abused, but suggested neighborhood unit chiefs could make good first contacts.

"The LPA does not have the legal authority to intervene in one's domestic affairs. But, if we bring in the neighborhood unit chief, we may get easier access," she said.

The institution will deploy around 9,000 social workers at neighborhood unit level. It will also arrange meetings with the workers to distribute information on the child protection law and children's rights.

"We want them to realize that children are our future. We have to treat them well," she said.

The LPA can be contacted at:

Area Contact person Phone numbers

* Central Jakarta Hamim Salampessy 4240899, 081310003820
* West Jakarta Moh. Sidiq 5457149, 08129334836
* South Jakarta Sunarto 83792739, 081584091563
* East Jakarta Johan Sigit W. 47865157, 08151624566
* North Jakarta/Kepulauan Seribu Sumitro 08129498381
* Bekasi Ronny 0811815969, 08557772888