Tue, 20 Jul 1999

Idea of Islam faction at MPR

From Rakyat Merdeka

United Development Party (PPP) chairman Hamzah Haz's idea of the necessity to form an Islamic faction at the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) has been much commented on, both for and against.

The idea was launched as a continuation of a stembus accoord agreement made by a number of Islamic parties, with the objective to better accommodate the aspirations of Muslims. A similar idea was also voiced by the Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals chairman Ahmad Tirtosudiro. Is it true that the idea is solely to accommodate the interests of Muslims? Or is it tactics and strategy to support one of the presidential candidates?

I belong to the group of people who do not agree with the idea of establishing an Islamic faction. I think a number of things are irrelevant. According to the law on political parties, the formation of a faction at the MPR is only possible if it is based on a political party participating in a general election. So, it is clear that the idea is not in accordance with the law.

Besides, if the idea of establishing an Islamic faction at the MPR is approved, won't non-Islamic political parties be envious? If such a faction is formed, there will be proposals for the establishment of a Hindu faction, a Buddhist faction, a Christian faction and possibly a Khong Hu Chu faction. If such is the case, SARA (ethnic, religious, racial and intergroup problems) conflicts will arise and lead to disintegration. This possibility must be reflected on wisely by the political elite.

In my opinion, if the idea is only aimed at hampering the candidacy of a woman for president, one should not use religion and its followers as a shield. There are actually many organizations to accommodate the aspirations and interests of Muslims but, their function and role have so far not been optimized.


Kartoharjo, East Java