Mon, 23 Sep 2002

I can't correct part (c) of the "Malaysia" column properly because the screen keeps jumping over to the left.


Indonesia Malaysia

(Antiterrorism bill) (Internal Security Act) ========================================================================================== Definition Terrorism is a systematic act Terrorist means any person who:

against the law in an attempt (a) by the use of any firearm,

to threaten the country's sovereignty, explosive or ammunition acts in

by endangering other people's bodies, a manner prejudicial to

lives, belongings and freedom, or public safety or to the maintenance

to cause public damage, or to create of public order or incites to

widespread fears among people, that violence or counsels disobedience

causes damage to strategic of the law or of any lawful order.

vital objects, peoples basic needs, (b) carries or has in his possession

the environment, morale, civilization, or under his control any firearm,

state secrets, culture, education, ammunition or explosive without

economy, technology, industry, lawful authority; or

public facilities, and international (c) demands, collects or receives any

what? person who intends or is about to

public safety or the maintenance of

public order;

Arrest Intelligence reports are accepted Any police officer may without

as preliminary evidence to arrest warrant arrest any person suspected

a person and to bring him to the due to of the commission of an offense.

process of law.

Suspects not specified, but the state must unregulated rights rehabilitate a suspected terrorist

who is acquitted from all charges

Sentence Minimum: three years in jail unregulated

Maximum: death sentence