Fri, 19 Jul 2002

'I would reject Sutiyoso's accountability speech'

It's been almost five years since Sutiyoso was appointed governor of Jakarta. But many people do not know much about him or what he has done for the city. Sutiyoso, who presented his accountability speech on Thursday, stated his readiness to govern the city for another term.

M.J. Drajadlaksana P.W., a retired employee of a private company. He lives with his wife in Kayu Jati, East Jakarta.

"If I were a member of the City Council, I would reject Sutiyoso's accountability speech right away.

He is incompetent and there have been no (positive) significant changes made in the city. In fact, it's getting worse.

The alarming frequency of street crimes, brawls and lengthy traffic jams are just some examples of his failures. I wonder what he has done for the city so far.

The councillors are at the same level of incompetence as the governor. So what can we expect from them?

Future nominees should be short-listed and selected according to strict criteria to find more suitable candidates for governor."

Haris, 44, has been a parking attendant in the city for 21 years. He has four children and a wife to support in Bogor.

"It's hard to comment on Sutiyoso. I don't know where to start as there have been so many unpleasant things that reflect his incapability of managing this city.

You can see that most parts of the city are not planned out well. It's all in a mess. A hard way of life, poor transportation and the lack of security give a more accurate picture of the city under his tenure.

Should he be reelected, I would reluctantly agree with the decision. But he should promise the public that he will do a much better job. Otherwise, what is he doing all this for?"

Gita, a civil servant at the city administration for two years. She resides in East Jakarta with her husband and daughter.

"I would honestly mind if Sutiyoso is reelected because it would be too long for him to be in office. The longer he is governor, the more excuses he will make to commit wrongdoings.

Well, I don't doubt his willingness to govern the city, despite his weaknesses. But I think there are many other potential nominees who are eligible for the position.

I cannot blame him for failing to solve the city's problems, such as the rise in street crimes and unemployment. These concerns are not only Sutiyoso's, since solutions need a commitment from the public as well as local government officials.

I do have to respect his 'best' efforts to govern the city."

Rustikarini, 45, a mother of three children. She lives in the Tanah Abang area of Central Jakarta.

"I know nothing about Sutiyoso. Well, of course, I know he is a governor, but I don't know what he has done since he's been in office. I've heard some bad things about him, yes, but I don't care.

He is just like any another official here. He can do whatever he wants. I don't want to comment. Even if I were to complain about him all day, nobody would listen to me."