Sun, 30 Apr 2000

I want to be a child again

It's been a while since I had this feeling
The determination of a young heart
The innocence and freedom of a child
The imagination of a boy
The curiosity of a teenager

I want to feel the excitement again
Of a child willing to discover things
The passion to learn new things without bias and fear
The willingness to accept people as they are
Without the prejudice of an adult

How long has it been?
I don't know
So engrossed with material things
So busy with living life
That I forgot what life is all about

Life should be lived like a child
Eager to face each new day
Excited to think of what's ahead
What's new to learn
What mysteries will unfold themselves

If this is the price of adulthood,
I want to be a child again.

Waiting for the sun to shine

I hear the raindrops on the roof
A sound soothing and disturbing at the same time
As rain falls, memories and feelings start to take shape
Of things past and future, of things sad and disturbing

Clouds hover over my head
I see gloomy and gray days ahead of me
Like the weather outside
Oh, how I wish the sun would shine

I see a storm brewing on the horizon
Threatening to cross my path
I must get through somehow
Will I ever see the sun shine?

I long for the soothing rays
Warm and safe, cozy and invigorating
But will I ever see that day
When the sun shines as bright as it can?

-- By Sasikinasih