Fri, 30 Apr 1999

I vote for a well-mannered candidate

Thank you to The Jakarta Post photographer for that masterful photograph titled Party platform which appeared on the front page of the Post's April 28 edition. In this case, a picture is, indeed, worth a thousand words.

The picture gives a very clear description of the individual characters of the presidential candidates involved in the debate and their attitudes toward another fellow candidate (in this case, Sri Bintang Pamungkas from the Indonesia Democratic Union Party) who is delivering a speech.

The attitude of Yusril Ihza Mahendra, chairperson of the Crescent Star Party, is one of sheer disdain and utter boredom. From his overbearing and conceited air, one can conclude that he has nothing but contempt for his fellow speakers. Amien Rais, chairperson of the National Mandate Party, does not do much better, as he does not look at the speaker -- he just stares into space with a condescending and self-satisfied expression on his face.

In the picture, only one presidential candidate shows that he is well-mannered and considerate, namely Justice Party leader Didin Hafiduddin, who, judging from his sitting position and expression, really pays attention to whatever Sri Bintang Pamungkas is saying.

I am not going to vote for any of these gentlemen nor the parties they represent. But I do salute Mr. Didin Hafiduddin for tactfully showing his fellow presidential candidates what good manners are all about.


Bogor, West Java