Thu, 22 Apr 1999

I am not a 'dalang'

I am writing in response to Putu Wirata's article "Wayang shows art in new light" of March 26.

The March 13, 1999, premier of Wayang Listrik-Tirtha Amertha featured for SD Dyatmika's Third Annual Benefit was considered a continuation of collaborative work between Shadow Light Productions of the United States and Sanggar Seni Cudamani, a performing arts troupe from Bali. The production was directed by me, and I am not a dalang (puppeteer), as stated in the above- mentioned article.

As a member of Bali's small arts community, it is embarrassing to be called a dalang when in fact I am not. The accurate program listed me as director, music composer, musician and scenic designer, but never as dalang.

Sanggar Seni Cudamani is pleased that you enjoyed the performance.


Sanggar Seni Cudamani

Ubud, Bali