Mon, 05 May 1997

Humor in language

It is common for any person to make mistakes when he or she learns a new language. In continuation of the letter Mr. Chandramouli wrote (April 28, 1997), I would like to add a few more examples.

During a conversation between an expatriate and a banker, the banker asked the general manager of the factory, "When will you submit your application for additional financial assistance?" The manager replied in Bahasa Indonesia, "Datang bulan", which actually means "menstruation". (He should have said "Bulan yang akan datang" meaning next month). The banker jokingly commented to his colleague, "Suruh ke WC dulu!" (Ask him to go to the restroom first).

An expatriate's wife wanted to offer some Indian food to her driver and asked him, "Mau makan India?", which means, "Do you want to eat India?" The driver humorously corrected her by replying, "India is a very big country. How can I eat it?"

In 1978, when I visited Mathura, near New Delhi, I came across signs in two coffee shops that read "Coffee and Snake Bar."

