Thu, 02 Apr 1998

Hospital's understanding

In these days of economic crisis, when many big businesses and even banks are finding it difficult to meet their obligations, the plight of the "little man" is especially precarious. At such a time, we can only hope that the human qualities of understanding, forbearance and flexibility will prevail.

With this in mind, I would like to offer my deepest thanks and appreciation to the staff of Rumah Sakit Jantung Harapan Kita, for their assistance in the case of an Indonesian family of my acquaintance. This family had the misfortune that their daughter, from birth, required an operation to correct a leaky heart valve. However, knowing that the operation would be very expensive and that the father's income as a factory worker was only enough to cover their daily expense, the family put off the operation until the child's condition became very serious.

Now, owing to the doctors' extreme kindness in waiving their fees for the operation, and the understanding of the hospital management regarding the family's economic situation, the little girl has had her operation and has been allowed to go home to her family.

I am sure that this is but one of many examples of such understanding in Indonesia's hospitals, and I am equally sure that it bodes well for Indonesia's ability to weather the current storms and to work together with the IMF and other agencies to find solutions for her difficulties.

