Tue, 25 Mar 1997

Holdup on Jl. Sutomo

From Media Indonesia

At 5 p.m. on March 10 I was riding home with my wife and our driver when we became caught in a traffic jam in front of the Navy Guesthouse, the Central Bureau of Statistics on Jl. Sutomo in Pasar Baru, Central Jakarta.

I was startled by the scene in front of me. A young worker was being hustled by two men wearing hats and white and gray uniforms. At first it looked like an ordinary scene in a crowded street. Then I saw the young man take out his wallet and hand over all its contents to one of the muggers. The other mugger was holding a knife glued to the young man's body.

I realized later that what was happening was real enough, an extortion and a holdup.

It was saddening that nobody in the crowd took any action to come to the rescue. The people did not dare do anything. It seemed that they were more concerned about their own safety, and weren't willing to take any risks.

How do we explain the behavior of the hoodlums? There is the possibility that such behavior is a result of the pressures they face in daily life and the realities they see around them such as disorder, crime, hypocrisy, deceit and distrust. It also cannot be ruled out that they despair facing the future.

Whatever their reasons, their action gives great cause for concern and worry.

Personally, I am very concerned about the situation and I am at a loss what to do. I urge the parties concerned to respond to such situations and resolve the issue.

The stability and security of the state not only depends on matters such as war or a power struggle. As ordinary citizens, we long for safety and freedom to move in the city without being haunted by fear.

As an emergency measure, may I suggest that members of the Armed Forces be stationed at places prone to crime in Jakarta. It is hoped this would discourage hoodlums from their actions.

