Higher transport rates?
Public transport rates in Jakarta have again become a subject of public discussion. Public response arose after the transportation companies in Jakarta requested, through their association Organda, that the government allow them to raise the tariffs.
The increase, according to Organda, is very much needed by the city's public transport companies. Operating and maintenance costs, it argues, have soared. The current rates can no longer be depended on to cover maintenance.
Organda's board claimed the request was approved by the government's Director General of Land Transportation. However, as Director-General Soejono explained, the authority to decree a rate increase rests with the Minister of Transportation, which means that a final decision is still pending.
Since the Minister of Transportation has not decided on the proposed fare increase, there is still time to review the matter. If an increase is regarded as inevitable, the users of the public transportation means -- the majority of who have low incomes -- will be forced to bear too much of a burden. Not to be forgotten is the possible impact such a raise may have on the price of people's basic necessities.
-- Republika, Jakarta