Thu, 14 May 1998

Heaven and hell

In connection with criticism by respected Islamic scholar Nurcholis Madjid (The Jakarta Post, April 20, 1998), I herewith would like to add a few expressions said by noted Ali bin Abutholib, Prophet Mohammad's aide, which are relevant to Nurcholis Madjid's criticism.

Ali bin Abutholib said: "Allah will salvage a just country, even if it is ruled by infidels, and Allah will destroy an unjust society, even if it is ruled by Moslems."

Another expression by Ibn Taimyah (Kompas, Feb. 7, 1997): "A just leader, although he is an infidel, will be beloved by Allah better than a Moslem leader that is corrupt and unjust."

Surat Al Baqarah, paragraph 62, also implicitly declared that whether someone went to hell or heaven did not depend on what religion or belief he/she embraced, but rather depended on his/her conduct in the real world.

If someone believes in God and in doomsday and also behaves oneself, he/she is ensured of a place in heaven. And a false Moslem would be certain of a place in hell.

