Wed, 02 Jul 2003

Headless body found in Cibitung

BEKASI: A headless male body was found on Tuesday by residents of Pisang Batu hamlet of Kerta Mukti subdistrict in Cibitung, a police officer said.

Bekasi Police chief Sr. Comr. Bachtiar Hasanudin Tambunan said that no residents in the neighborhood could identify the body, which he believed was a victim of murder.

"The murder probably occurred outside of Bekasi and the body dumped here. We will investigate the case," he said.

The body is estimated to be of a 25-year-old man with a tattoo of flowers on the right side of the chest and a dragon on the left side.

Recently, scavengers found the head of a man while sorting through garbage at Bantar Gebang dump. Later a headless body that matched was found in Kali Malang River, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, a two-hour drive from Bantar Gebang. -- Antara