Fri, 29 Apr 1994

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Three suspected robbers shot dead

JAKARTA (JP): Three suspected robbers were shot dead by police in the wee hours of the morning yesterday.

They were identified as Ramin Rakujan, 29, a resident of Cengkareng, West Jakarta, Nurjudin Rahmani, 22, a resident of Tangerang, and Sulaiman, 23, a resident of Cipinang Utara, East Jakarta.

The first two suspects were captured by local residents after allegedly seizing a purse, containing Rp 5,000 (US$2.30) in cash and a pair of fake earrings, from a 20-year-old, female college student on Wednesday.

According to City Police spokesman, Lt. Col. A. Latief Rabar, the two were taken out by officers of the Penjaringan police subprecinct at 12:15 am yesterday. They were supposed to show the officer the hiding place of Udin, their leader, at the Teluk Gong area in North Jakarta.

"On way there, the two suspects tried to flee and the officers fired two shots at each of them," Latief said.

The third victim, Sulaiman, died with three bullets in his body when he failed to escape from the police guard in the Cipinang Muara area. As in the other two shootings, he had been taken by police to point out the hideout of one of his friends.

Apparently, the still handcuffed suspect attempted to fight his way out of custody when he was slain. He was killed instantly by when one of the three bullets struck him in the head.

"With his hands still handcuffed, he tried to attack the police before he jumped out of the police patrol car," the spokesman said. According to Latief, Sulaiman had been a jailed for a number of offenses related to theft.

"Before shooting him, police fired several warning shots," Latief said. All of the suspects died at the scene.

Latief, however, denied that the killings were part of the so- called Cleansing Operation, which is designed to combat crime in the city. (bsr)