Sat, 20 Jul 1996

Hawkers in Kuta a nuisance

I'd like to start by thanking The Jakarta Post for a truly enjoyable newspaper. I've been reading it for a year and urge you to keep up the good work. Unfortunately my letter is another Bali ache about the street hawkers in Kuta. I think Bali is a great tourist destination that is being ruined by the growing hoards of street hawkers that hassle and hound all who go there.

On my last trip I saw an elderly couple cornered by a bunch of young street hawkers. I could see they were desperately trying to get away but were unable to. I wanted to go and help them, but I too was cornered by a hawker who was pushing me because I wouldn't buy one of his watches. As soon as I got away from him another hawker blocked my path. While trying to get away from him I noticed a man grabbing my girlfriend. She pushed him away and we fled to the street with the elderly couple. That was just a typical walk up the street in Kuta on any given day.

It is now impossible to walk more than five steps down any street without someone shoving something in your face or yelling "transport." To even sit in a restaurant for a quiet meal is impossible; if they come one after another. They won't go away even if the tourists say no.

The situation now seems to be completely out of control, Most people I talk to will not go to Bali anymore for this very reason. If the Balinese do not want to see Bali ruined as a tourist destination, I strongly suggest that the authorities do something about this. Perhaps they can set aside a special area or road where the tourists can go if they want to buy a cheap watch, get transport, rings, bracelets, have their hair plaited or whatever. That way the other 90 percent of tourists who don't want to be bothered, can just shop in peace and enjoy their holiday.

