Wed, 30 Sep 1998

Habibie summons aides over office decoration

JAKARTA (JP): President B.J. Habibie summoned on Tuesday two cabinet ministers, the chairman of the National Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Sofjan Tsauri, and three cultural experts to assist him in the construction of his new office at Merdeka Palace.

Minister of Education Juwono Sudarsono said the President told them the 28-square-meter room would also become a center of information for him, and "combine the sophistication of science, technology and the country's rich culture."

"According to him, under such circumstances he can acquire inspiration to act as a wise statesman," Juwono said after meeting with Habibie at the palace.

The six officials summoned by the President were State Minister of Research and Technology Zuhal, Sofjan, the Ministry of Education's Director General of Cultural Affairs Edi Sedyawati, and Sapardi Djoko Damono, the dean of the School of Letters at the University of Indonesia.

The President has two official offices, the Bina Graha presidential office, and Merdeka Palace. The palace is normally used to receive state guests. However, since August, Habibie has preferred to work at the palace. The new office will be located in the western wing of the newly renovated palace.

Juwono said he would coordinate the project, but refused to discuss the cost, saying it was still being calculated.

"Hopefully it will be finished before December 1999," Juwono said. The presidential election is to be held in December 1999.

According to Juwono, Zuhal and Sofjan are being assigned to collect books and scientific materials related to the project, while Edi and Sapardi are to deal with matters related to cultural collections. (prb)