Sat, 30 Oct 2004

Gun-slinging prison guard in hot water

Abdul Khalik, The Jakarta Post/Jakarta

Activists have reported a Tangerang Penitentiary guard to police on Friday for pulling a gun on them when they were meeting detained street vendors in the jail.

The representatives from the Jakarta Legal Aid Institute (LBH Jakarta) and the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) reported the guard to the National Police on Friday.

Kontras coordinator Usman Hamid urged National Police chief Gen. Da'i Bachtiar to immediately investigate the case, saying the guard had used the weapon to threaten civilians' lives.

"We have reported Ferly, the Tangerang prison guard, for violating Article 53 of Criminal Code on threatening to kill and the State Emergency Law No. 12/1951 for illegal ownership of gun," he said.

"We will also submit a letter to the Minister of Justice and Human Rights (Hamid Awaluddin) demanding Ferly be fired for his misconduct."

A seven-strong team of LBH and Kontras members went to the penitentiary on Friday to give legal advice to seven vendors who had been arrested by the Tangerang Prosecutor's Office for violating article 160 of the Criminal Code on provocation.

Usman said when the activists arrived at the jail at 1 a.m. they were not allowed to enter the building because there had been a change of guards.

"Since it was very hot outside, we asked to be allowed to wait inside the building. However, a guard said we would have to wait in a restaurant nearby because the building did not have a waiting room. Finally, we were allowed to go inside," he said.

Suddenly, Ferly appeared in front of them and shouted: "'This is my territory. If you want to come in, don't say a word! If you don't, take your ID cards and get out of here!'", Usman said.

The team members tried to calm him but he got angrier.

"He ran over his friend and took his friend's FN pistol then pointed the loaded gun at us," Usman said.

The incident attracted the attention of other officials, including warden Windarso who promised he would seriously discipline the guard.