Guess What? Bambang Warih Koesoema
Remember Bambang Warih Koesoema? Yes, he is the outspoken legislator whose controversial dismissal in March drew headlines for weeks.
"I feel so free and unburdened these days," said the former member of the House of Representatives from the ruling Golkar faction. He was spotted by The Jakarta Post relaxing with his family in a mountain resort in Lembang, near Bandung, recently.
Bambang said he was relieved not to have to deal with day to day political issues. He said he is working for a Europe-based consultant company and was totally engaged in the business which allows him to spend ample time abroad.
Although he is now focused on business, he was very enthusiastic when asked about current political issues.
"It is difficult to understand the turn of things in recent weeks," he said, referring to the recent phenomenal rise in cement and newsprint prices.
"The DPR could have done better than fussing about prices," he said with gusto.
He then moved from one issue to another with his usual crisp and sharp analysis, just like when he was still a legislator. (hbk)