Sat, 04 May 2002

Gudang Garam and Deep Purple

Since I came to Indonesia 13 years ago I have been confronted with a lot of interesting stories, some were beautiful, some were sad and some were funny.

This story, which I experienced on the event of the Deep Purple concert in Jakarta on April 30, I would like to share with the readers of The Jakarta Post.

When I entered the Jakarta Convention Hall to show my ticket for the Deep Purple Concert several policemen stopped me and asked me to hand over my cigarettes to them and to put my cigarettes in a big carton box containing other confiscated cigarette boxes.

When I asked why I should put my cigarettes into the box, the answer was I was not allowed to smoke within the building. So I told the policemen that I would follow this instruction, but there was no reason to take away my cigarettes. However the policemen refused to allow me to enter the concert hall unless I handed my cigarettes to them.

I didn't understand this kind of logic but I followed their instructions. When I entered the concert hall, after five meters a bunch of very pretty ladies, dressed in red, welcomed me and gave me a small bag as a welcome gift. When I opened the bag I found some stickers of Deep Purple, a lighter and to my great surprise, a full box of Gudang Garam cigarettes! These bags have been given to every visitor of the concert. You can imagine my surprise which was shared with my anger.

Now, I would like to know from the sponsor Gudang Garam of this concert or from the police, what was the reason behind the police actions in confiscating, I don't want to say stealing, my expensive German cigarettes?

