Sat, 28 Oct 1995

Greenpeace's action

Let's update our friends on Greenpeace's latest developments. Britain's Advertising Standards Authority "accuses some charities and pressure groups of exaggerating claims and exploiting public trust and damaging the credibility of the advertising industry as a whole".

The authority upheld complaints against a Greenpeace advertisement that states men's genitals are shrinking as a result of chemicals dumped in the sea. "The authority says evidence from Greenpeace has not shown the claims are true" (Financial Times, Oct. 4, 1995).

Lord Melchett, president of British Greenpeace section, apologized for Greenpeace's actions during the Brent-Spar incident in a letter to Shell. Reason: Greenpeace spreads false claims. (Suddeutesche Zeitung, Sept. 6, 1995).

Blunders in the anti-nuclear protest are shaking the pressure group. Greenpeace's executive director Thilo Bode demoted anti- nuclear coordinator Stephanie Mills, and the director of the campaign against the French nuclear testing, Ulrich Jurgens, resigned. Some members say "Greenpeace should moderate its actions and engage with industry to produce more environmentally sound policies...old-school members prefer direct action..." International Herald Tribune, Sept. 26, 1995).

Translation: Moderates would like to be businesses hired guns but the old guard thinks dinghies chasing nuclear submarines are flashier.

Since they intend to expand in Asia, they may strike during the Biodiversity Convention here in Indonesia. Maybe a Greenpeace ship will sail up Sungai (river) Mahakam or Sungai Kapuas. Maybe they will send dinghies up the Ciliwung. Who knows?


Bandung, West Java