Great River 1996 sales exceed target
JAKARTA (JP): Garment maker and retailer PT Great River International (GRI) announced yesterday its sales last year were Rp 256 billion (US$108.66 million), exceeding its Rp 250 billion target.
GRI director Soesanto Sahardjo said last year's sales were 30 percent higher than 1995's sales of Rp 197 billion.
GRI, which holds 16 manufacturing and distribution licenses for branded apparel, said strong sales of Triumph, Nina Capiona, Arrow, Choya, Kenzo, Nino Cerruti, Lee, Jockey and Walt Disney clothing had pushed up total sales.
Exports of garments to Singapore and Malaysia also contributed to the sales hike.
Soesanto said that sales were projected to rise to Rp 360 billion this year and Rp 560 billion in 1998.
He was optimistic the sales target could be achieved given the company's increasing production and distribution.
GRI would manufacture 10 to 15 additional brands in 1997 and 1998 to be sold locally and overseas, he said.
Production is expected to increase this year with the establishment of PT Great River van Laack International, a joint venture with tie producer van Laack GmbH of Germany.
GRI is expected to make 32 million pieces of men's clothing this year, up from 28 million pieces last year.
The company is planning to open six more direct sales division branches. It already has three branches in Surabaya, Bandung and Jakarta.
GRI is planning to open 20 more outlets under PT Inti Fasindi International's management this year as well as an office in Hong Kong.
GRI said that Hanshin Department store, to be jointly managed with PT Indomulti, in Plaza Senayan, South Jakarta, would be opened on schedule next year. (02)