Fri, 21 Oct 1994

Govt to open development forum

JAKARTA (JP): State Minister for Development Planning Ginandjar Kartasasmita said yesterday that the government will open a consultation forum here early next month to discuss the actual needs of development in the country.

Ginandjar, also the chairman of the National Development Planning Board, said that the input from the forum will be used to streamline the existing development plans so that development projects will match the actual needs of the people.

"The idea is how to match the development plans to the people's needs and how to coordinate the development efforts in villages and at the national level more effectively," he announced after reporting the planned opening of the forum to President Soeharto.

He acknowledged that development projects in rural areas often do not match the people's actual needs since they are planned without consulting the local people.

Ginandjar said the forum will discuss input from consultation forums at the provincial level and discuss recommendations from similar consultation forums in districts.

"The outcome of the national forum will then be added to the existing development plans," he said.

Ginandjar also said that he would lead the Indonesian delegation to the 10th meeting of the Organization of Islamic Conference in Istanbul, Turkey.

He said the Turkish meeting will discuss an action plan to promote economic cooperation among member countries.(hen)