Sat, 30 Jun 2001

Govt names two new officials

JAKARTA (JP): Despite its pledge to improve efficiency, the government has expanded its bureaucratic network by naming two new officials who fall directly under the President.

Asep Saefuddin has been appointed the initial chief of the National Information Institute, an agency that replaces the now dissolved ministry of information.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Social and Security Affairs Agum Gumelar installed Asep on Friday.

In its statement issued following the swearing-in ceremony, the institute contended that it would not play the same role as the now defunct ministry of information, which was known as the government's mouthpiece.

"The agency will focus on developing a system of information inside the government and providing the government with opinion based on people's feedback. The agency will not be used to influence public opinion," the statement said.

Asep was the ministry of information's inspector general in 1999, when President Abdurrahman Wahid dissolved the ministry.

The President then established the National Information and Communication Board (BKNN) to take over some of the ministry's role, but the board was also dissolved late last year.

Abdurrahman had also issued a decree that appointed former state minister of investment Rozy Munir as the maiden chief of the National Population Board.

First secretary of the board Prapto Hadi told the media that Rozy would be installed by Minister of Home Affairs and Regional Autonomy Surjadi Soedirdja on Monday.

Presidential Decree No. 42/2001 also stipulates that the board is responsible for the drafting of broad programs, formulating and deciding policies, planning guidelines and information systems related to population administration.

Prapto said that in the long run, the board would play a pivotal role, not only in improving people's quality of life, but also in preventing clashes between people at the grassroots. (dja)