Wed, 21 Jul 2004

Govt introduces child protection commission

Dewi Santoso Jakarta

The government introduced on Tuesday the Commission on the Protection of Indonesian Children (KPAI), which will help the government draw up child-protection policies.

State Minister for Women's Empowerment Sri Redjeki Soemaryoto said the protection of children required special attention.

"That is where the KPAI comes in. The commission will think, say and do only what is best for children," she said.

Sri Redjeki installed the nine members of the commission, who were selected by the House of Representatives in accordance with Law No. 23/2002 on child protection.

The introduction of the new commission comes three days before National Children's Day on July 23.

The state minister said the establishment of the KPAI would not sideline non-governmental organizations and other government bodies that fought for children's rights, including the National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas Anak).

"The KPAI may need to collaborate with NGOs, including Komnas Anak, to address child issues," she said.

Komnas Anak was established in 1998 based on a decree issued by the minister of social affairs, who appointed 11 members to the commission. Sri Redjeki said the government had no plan to revoke the decree following the establishment of the KPAI.

However, the office manager of Komnas Anak, Rachma Fitriati, raised questions about the formation of the KPAI.

"Unlike Komnas Anak, the KPAI members were selected by the House of Representatives instead of through a national forum. There was no transparency whatsoever in the selection process, which leads us to question the independence of the KPAI," Rachma said.

Out of 140 applicants for the KPAI, the government short- listed 18 candidates, who went through a series of tests last year, and submitted their names to the House

Asked whether Komnas Anak would take any legal action to fight the establishment of the KPAI, Rachma said: "We will let the public judge."

As an independent body, the KPAI has three basic duties: to educate the public about child protection laws, to accept any complaints and gather data and information in response to these complaints, and to submit recommendations to the government.

The nine members of the KPAI will serve a three-year term. They will soon meet to choose a chairperson, two deputy chairs and a secretary.

Members of the KPAI

Name Background ---------------------------------------------------------- Kusumo Priyono community figure Andarus Darahim government Zarfiel Taffal children's organizations Lily Rilantono social organizations Enny R. Badawi interest groups Ibnu Anshori religious community Susilahati professional organizations Sri Wuryaningsih business community Magdalena Sitorus non-governmental organizations