Wed, 30 Sep 1998

Governor to meet two warring groups

JAKARTA (JP): Governor Sutiyoso said on Tuesday that he intends to summon community leaders from Menteng Jaya subdistrict in Central Jakarta and Manggarai subdistrict in South Jakarta to discuss the never-ending brawls between residents of the two areas.

"I've trusted the respective mayors to settle the matter, but maybe it is not enough and I should solve the problem myself. I should admit that the problem shows that our public education has failed.

"I will also ask my staff to evaluate the shortcomings in mediation efforts to date," he told reporters after meeting film stars and singers to discuss a fund-raising gala to help the needy which is planned for Oct. 7.

The brawls have recently taken a fatal twist, claiming the lives of two men this week.

Andi Billah, 28, a resident of Matraman, was stabbed with a sharp weapon during a clash late on Monday. He was taken to Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital for treatment, but later died.

The first fatality was Sutrisno, 40, who was shot with an air rifle after he was caught in a clash on Sunday morning.

Meanwhile, residents of both Manggarai and Menteng Jaya subdistricts who were involved in the three-day clash held a reconciliation on the nearby railway tracks on Tuesday.

The meeting was held on the initiative of Menteng district head Wahab Ismail and local security officers.

Most residents admitted that there was no exact reason as to why they were involved in the prolonged dispute.

Wahab urged the residents to help prevent similar clashes from occurring again in the future.

"I want all residents to sincerely forget whatever reasons lay behind the dispute and forgive one another for what has happened," Wahab said.

Residents were later ordered to shake hands and said prayers for the two dead men.

After the meeting, Wahab toured alleys in the two subdistricts along with local security officers and residents, young and old alike.

Matraman and Menteng Jaya, both of which are located near to Manggarai railway station, are densely populated areas and home to at least 1,200 families.

Women and children watching the meeting from the safety of their houses applauded the scene of reconciliation.

"Why has it taken so long to take a walk together like that?" one woman said.

Syamsudin, a Matraman resident, said there was no real reason behind the dispute and the sporadic outbreaks of violence.

A similar incident rocked the slum area late last month, leaving one man injured and seven buildings damaged. (emf/ind)