Mon, 24 Oct 1994

Government policy on PDI's crisis in E. Java deplored

JAKARTA (JP): Former chairman of the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI) Soerjadi has criticized the Minister of Home Affairs for his inaction in the crisis that has afflicted the East Java chapter of his party and involves the local governor.

Soerjadi, who is also deputy speaker of the House of Representatives, said over the weekend that Home Affairs Minister Moch. Yogie S.M. should not make the issue the local government's business because such a conclusion sounds highly illogical.

The PDI central board has deplored what it calls intervention by the East Java governor into the party's internal problem. Governor Basofi Sudirman recently sent invitations to all PDI regency leaders to attend a meeting with him at his office tomorrow.

A statement by the PDI central board said last week that the governor had gone too far with this activity which is against the country's political ethics and violates the law.

Earlier reports said the local administration also refused to issue a permit for the installation of the newly-elected leader of the PDI East Java chapter, Sutjipto, and supported his rival who lost the election.

Latief Pudjosakti, the rival, refused to recognize Sutjipto's leadership and set up his own provincial cabinet, a maneuver rejected by the PDI central board.

Soerjadi on Saturday urged Megawati Soekarnoputri, the party's chairwoman, to take stern measures against Latief.

He said, as quoted by Jawa Pos yesterday, that any leniency she showed in facing the crisis will not only tarnish PDI's image but would also make the crisis get out of hand.

Mh. Isnaeni, another veteran PDI leader, has also criticized the East Java governor for the initiative. Isnaeni, a PDI vice chairman in the 1970s, said that the government should respect the law by letting the PDI leadership solve the party's internal rift without outside intervention.

Meanwhile the East Java administration has said that the meeting between the governor and PDI branch leaders will go on as scheduled.

Suryadi Setiawan, the head of the provincial agency of socio- political affairs who signed the invitation cards on behalf of Gov. Basofi, said in Surabaya Saturday that the local authorities did not intend to meddle in PDI's internal problems.

"Pak Gubernur (Mr. Governor) is sincere," Setiawan said. He added that if it deems it necessary he will send a report about the meeting to the PDI central board in Jakarta.

"It can use it to solve the party's crisis," he said.

"By inviting PDI officials from both Sutjipto's and Latief's camps the governor wants to demonstrate his neutrality in the dispute," Setiawan said.

He added that the government initiative was made at the behest of PDI activists, he added.

He added that the government would not resort to coercion if PDI officials refuse to attend. (tis)