Gold coin sparks dispute
JAKARTA: Yusuf Hasyim, the uncle of former president Abdurrahman Wahid, filed a report with the House leaders of the launch of gold coins bearing the picture of his father Hasyim Asy'ari.
Yusuf, better known as Pak Ud, claimed that the launch of the gold coins brought about disharmony among the big family of the founder of the country's largest Muslim organization Nahdlatul Ulama.
Yusuf was referring to the Hongkong-based Gold Quest International (GQI) which plans to market the gold coin. The plan has been approved by Abdurrahman, who has set up a foundation to manage royalties from the business.
He urged support from the House of Representatives and the government for the closure of GQI's operation in Indonesia.
Yusuf's lawyer Luthfi Hakim said GQI had noticed the objection of his client but had not given any response. -- JP