Wed, 01 Jul 1998

GNOTA funds

From Kompas

On the threshold of the new school year, parents face hard times because they must pay school fees. The situation is even more serious for lower economic classes in outer urban areas and in villages.

These past few months have already been made difficult with skyrocketing prices of staple foods. Now, in addition, the new school year will generate more expenses for the families.

We recall the heralding of a national discipline movement (GDN) for government officials. Not long after the national movement for adoptive parents (GNOTA) was introduced.

GNOTA funds come from the community, including businesspeople. It is the duty of government and village administrations to manage the movement.

The money collected belongs to Indonesian children, the nation's future. It is only fitting that the funds obtained in the name of the children are given to the children, especially those of the lower income bracket attending government elementary and secondary schools.

Considering that many children might have to drop out of school, the reform Cabinet should inquire into the realization of the movement. Students and local communities could do the same. GNOTA organizing bodies from the government down to regencies should account for the management of the funds. The possibility of greater numbers dropouts must be avoided.


Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra