Sat, 14 Feb 1998

Give Wiranto a chance

Even before the presidential decree was made public, military observers predicted that Gen. Wiranto would be appointed commander of the Army. A 1968 graduate of the National Military Academy, Gen. Wiranto is regarded as the most appropriate for the post both because of his seniority in the Army and because of the leadership capabilities he has shown so far.

When meeting with participants in the Armed Forces leadership meeting recently, the President instructed the military to take action against anyone disturbing the public order, especially with the upcoming General Session of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) drawing near. The political climate is indeed showing signs of heating up as rumors detrimental to national stability are becoming rife.

Gen. Wiranto, who will be assuming his new duties from the 20th of this month, will need the full support of both the Armed Forces and the public. Wiranto should be given a chance to consolidate his position in that short time span. Public participation is essential to ensure that a sense of security and order prevails, especially with the upcoming General Session of the MPR in mind.

-- Merdeka, Jakarta