Thu, 20 Mar 2003

Give new KONI board a chance, says Agum

Musthofid, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

The new board of the National Sports Council (KONI) was announced on Wednesday, with chairman Agum Gumelar appealing to the sports community to give the members time to do their work.

"Give us a chance to carry out our program to try to advance national sports," Agum said after announcing the members of the 39-strong board at KONI headquarters here.

The new board, which will sit from 2003 to 2007, is slimmer than its predecessor under the four-year term of chairman Wismoyo Arismunandar, which had 65 members.

Some of the board members have been kept on from the old board. Among them are Oyong Karmayuda, who now takes up the post of secretary-general, and Indra Kartasasmita, who now heads the planning and budgeting department.

Although the majority are new faces, a few of them have already served KONI at some time in the past.

Djoko Pramono's appointment as the head of the development department marks his return to KONI following his service during the 1995-1999 term. He was absent from 1999 to 2003.

Timbul Thomas Lubis, who was the deputy of the organizational department under Hendardji, also makes a reappearance.

Agum, who is also the chairman of the national soccer governing body, the PSSI, has brought in three of his soccer organization colleagues: Irawadi Hanafi, Dimas Wahab and Andi Darussalam.

As far as the military-civilian issue is concerned, Agum's appointment of four retired military officers marks a major reduction in the number of military men compared to the previous board, which was almost 75 percent made up of military officers.

Professional diversity also colors Agum's board with the employment of media figure Sumohadi Marsis, model Larasati, sportsmen Ricky Subagdja and Richard Sam Bera, and Ishadi from the television industry.

Agum, who has three deputy chairpersons, Rita Subowo, Toho Cholik Mutohir and Ferdinand Nainggolan, said he was aware of some dissatisfaction over his policies.

"I'm know that no decision will satisfy all sides. I'm aware of this. To those who are dissatisfied, I would say, give us time.

"Don't automatically think negatively of the board. Such a way of thinking is out of place in sport," Agum said.

While pledging to make further efforts to ensure the passage of the sports bill, which would ensure the availability of financial support for sport, Agum also said that he would launch a pioneering approach to fund-raising.