Tue, 04 Jun 1996

Gifted kids

The concept attributed to education expert Conny R. Semiawan in your report 'Expert slams superschools for teaching too much' (The Jakarta Post, June 3, 1996) that "superschools are expected to give a good education to gifted children and... specially designed for gifted children" differs from mine. As the operator of a superschool, Bogor International Pre-School, I wish to make it clear that our children (and I expect most children in superschools) are normal. They may well appear gifted, however, because they have superior schooling complemented by conducive home environments. Most children, if given all these advantages from an early age, will appear gifted.

On a different note, the emergence of superschools has created a booming market for super-teachers. Hopefully, the teachers college (IKIP) will respond by improving both the English language ability and teaching skill of its graduates for all levels of teaching. The possibility of student teachers obtaining job-related experience in superschools should not be ignored.


Bogor, West Java