Sun, 06 Oct 2002

Get a clearer skin with oral contraceptives

Hera Diani, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

How do contraceptive pills have anything to do with dandruff or spotless skin?

Apparently, those pimples and dandruff you have been dying to eradicate for ages, might be hormone-related problems and it only requires you to swallow contraceptive pills to overcome them, of course you should see a dermatologist first.

According to Oktafandhi -- obstetrics and gynecology specialist at the Bintaro International Hospital, Tangerang -- some contraceptive pills actually have other benefits beyond preventing pregnancy.

The pills can normalize irregular menstruation cycles, reduce pain and cramps, before and during menstruation and make the menstruation cycle shorter.

"Apart from that, the pills can also cure acne, reduce overproduced oil, clearing up one's skin or eliminating dandruff," Oktafandhi said in a recent discussion held by Cosmo 90.4 FM radio station.

The ones that work for acne are the low-dose combined oral contraceptives which contain Cyproterone Acetate (CPA) and Etinil Estradiol (EE).

The substance balances the production of the male sex hormone called androgen -- a hormone that can also be found in women, but usually in much smaller amounts. The hormone functions as a libido booster.

However, some women unfortunately produce higher amounts of androgen (hyper-androgen), which results in irregular menstruation cycles and also the overproduction of oil that causes skin problems like acne and dandruff.

In some cases, hyper-androgen can also cause hirsutism, or excessive growth of hair of normal or abnormal distribution (remember dangdut singer Iis Dahlia with her mustache?).

"As the source of those problems are androgen, then it's best to counter it with an anti-androgen or in this case CPA, a unique progesterone with strong anti-androgenic characteristics," Oktafandhi said.

Progesterone is the female sex hormone that arranges monthly menstruation cycles and maintains a pregnancy. Another important hormone is estrogen which stimulates the development of female secondary sex characteristics.

In the combined oral contraceptive pills, the substance which acts as estrogen is EE.

"The CPA works specially to reduce overproduced oil. It works far below the skin, preventing infection and other skin problems. The combination of CPA and EE can also minimize menstrual bleeding so as to reduce the risk of anemia and pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS)," Oktafandhi said.

The pills can be consumed by single women, and also for aging women, to reduce baldness.

In the United States, single and young women reportedly take the oral contraceptives merely to get rid of skin problems.

The result, Oktafandhi said, usually can be seen within one or two months.

"There are some fears about these pills, saying that it can make women gain weight, facial spots and many other things. With these combined pills, only 20 percent of patients experience weight gain, and it's only two kilograms maximum. It is also safe for the metabolism and the liver," he said.

However, Oktafandhi warned that there are some people who are prone to hormone consumption. Some cases show that the pills worsen migraines and varicose veins, as well and possible liver problems.

In that case, of course you have to consult your doctors. For the rest of women, maybe it is just a month away until you can say goodbye to those bloody pimples.

And men, sorry, these pills are not for you.