Tue, 09 Sep 2003

GAM-linked lecturer on trial

BANDA ACEH, Aceh: A lecturer of the Syiah Kuala University in Banda Aceh, was brought to trial for his alleged link to the Freed Aceh Movement (GAM) separatist group.

Prosecutor Mohammad Adnan laid treason charges on the defendant. I. Yus, and accused him of working with GAM leaders such as Muzakkir Manaf, Sofyan Daud and Ishak Daud.

Yus, a veterinarian, was arrested in May at his residence in Lingke district in Banda Aceh.

He attended the joint meeting to evaluate the humanitarian pause approved by the Indonesian government and GAM, which was held by the international organization facilitating the cease fire at the Henry Dunant Centre, in July 2000.

Yus was also accused of preparing Muzakkir's speech comprising of six pages, using his personal computer and attending a meeting held by GAM leaders in the North Aceh district of Nissam in January this year. He served as an interpreter for American free- lance journalist William Nessen during the meeting.

The prosecutor also said Yus had received Rp 9.5 million from Sofyan Daud, who is standing trial on treason and terrorism charges.

The trial of Yus was postponed until next Monday. --Antara