Sat, 27 Jul 2002

Fruit seedlings from couples sought

BOGOR: Every Muslim couple that wants to get married in Bogor regency is required to contribute money for the purchase of two fruit tree seedlings.

The requirement was made public during a training course on how to grow fruit trees at the Information and Agricultural Campaign (KIIP) offices on Wednesday. It was attended by 80 people from the Religious Affairs Offices (KUA) throughout the regency and the Bogor deputy regent, Nana Suryana.

KUA is the office which has the authority to marry Muslim couples.

Sapna Somawidjadja from the KIIP said that a couple who wanted to get married should hand the money over to the KUA, which would then send it to the Religious Affairs Office at the regency level. The agency would then buy the seedlings and give them to registered farmers.--JP