Tue, 21 Jul 1998

Four suspects identified

TANGERANG (JP): Police say they have identified four men who they believe masterminded the shrimp-pond looting by thousands of people in Teluk Naga district on July 13.

Despite the identification, no one has been arrested, Tangerang Police chief Aryanto Boedihardjo said Sunday.

The four suspects, who include shrimp brokers who used to operate during the shrimp harvest, are believed to have provoked people to do the looting, he said.

About 1.5 metric tons of shrimps worth Rp 180 million (US$13,333) was stolen from the ponds last Monday night by 2,000 people.

The people who swarmed to the area apparently came from several local villages: Lemo, Tanjung Pasir, Salembaran Jaya, Ketapang and Rawa Lumpang.

The head of the Tangerang Fishery Agency, Sesmu Hardjo, said that the price of shrimps was Rp 120,000 a kilogram last week. (ind/41)