Foreign food
We have noticed several articles in recent weeks which have been negative toward the food offered and associated health hazards.
The evaluation is very one sided. One needs to see the global picture. Since the introduction of western fast food to Asia in the last 10-15 years one can see that the younger generation is in fact healthier and growing taller. The change from everyday diet of rice, tempe and tahu (both made from soybeans), to a diet of meat, bread, cheese, and fish cooked in many different ways has brought a greater variety, a healthier diet and an enjoyment to eating out.
The introduction of many ethnic foods to Indonesia (Italian, Chinese, Thai, Singapore, French, Dutch, American, etc.) has helped develop the Indonesian people's taste for different cuisines.
Eating food cooked with coconut milk (santan) and palm oil is definitely more harmful than eating a pizza, hamburger or fried chicken.
Everything in its extreme manner is not healthy. "Plain water and steamed vegetables without salt is of course the healthiest diet."
My personal belief and experience is that Indonesian food is a world class cuisine. Due to the low standard in hygiene offered in the restaurants, Indonesian food is not able to have the rapid growth as with other cuisines.
The fast food sector is popular and quickly expanding throughout the world due to price value, atmosphere, convenience and because of the consistent hygiene quality level offered and most of all because of the demand from the people.
I trust my frankness on the subject has not offended anyone. I am open for any debate or questions on this subject and have the back up data to support the above information.
I closing I confirm that the American fast food chain restaurants such as Pizza Hut, McDonalds, and KFC spend millions of dollars yearly to develop healthier ingredients and to maintain the highest level of quality and hygiene "the world offers."
Lastly we at Pizza Hut are proud to be part of the Indonesia community and are very active together with other international chain food operations to support the government in providing jobs, educations, career development, tourist related activities, community events and other sponsored programs.
CEO of Pizza Hut Indonesia