Football and rugby
My letter will be short. Would it be possible for some of the letter writers of "Your Letters" to stop arguing about football, cricket and rugby (truly important subjects of conversation, indeed), because it is a real shame for a lot of The Jakarta Post readers who are expats, as I am, to see such stupid brawls widely argued in public, in a country such Indonesia.
First of all, they do not seem to understand the futility of their letters, and second, they do not seem to realize that there are other areas of interest, which are much more shareable with our Indonesian friends. Please stop making fools of yourselves in this country and behave yourselves.
Would it be possible for you to feel a little bit embarrassed regarding your really interesting comments on football, crickets or rugby in a country which has decided that priority should be given to employment and poverty alleviation?
I hope this will be the end of these kinds of letters, as already asked about one month ago by the editor.
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