Tue, 02 Mar 1999

Food to cure hypertension

Reading Steps to ward off hypertension in kids (The Jakarta Post, Sunday Feb. 14, 1999) I wish to point out what one ought to do to prevent hypertension according to Jean Carper in her book Food: your miracle medicine. Some of these measures have already been suggested.

Diet prescription for high blood pressure:

* Eat more fruits and vegetables of all kinds that are overflowing with known and unknown blood pressure-lowering agents, including vitamin C, potassium and calcium. Vegetarians have strikingly low rates of high blood pressure.

* Especially eat garlic and celery.

* Fish is another must for those worried by high blood pressure. Its oil seems essential in keeping blood pressure at a healthy level. Eat fatty fish, such as mackerel, salmon or herring, three times a week.

* Go easy on the salt shaker when cooking. And don't add salt at the table. Most of all, be wary of processed foods, which are often loaded with sodium. One study found that about 70 percent of all sodium in typical diets came from such processed foods.

* Keep your alcohol intake to one or two drinks a day. And avoid binge-drinking, which can drive your blood pressure up markedly.

* If you are overweight, lose weight, which is a sure way to bring blood pressure down.

Hopefully, all these may help those who suffer from or have the symptoms of hypertension.


Cimahi, West Java