Wed, 21 Jul 2004

Five perish after eating puffball fish

Yemris Fointuna, Kupang

Five locals died and four others remain in a critical condition after eating ikan fugu (puffball fish), parts of which are known to be poisonous.

The five -- residents of Sina Malaka in East Flores, here -- have been identified as Markus Kadeku, 9, Aloysius Balaka, 48, Maria Neno Wadjon, 58, Martino Beto Welan, 30 and Bernardus Gajak Welan, 69.

Chief of the East Flores Police Adj. Sr. Comr. Darto Juhardono said on Tuesday that a few families had got together on Sunday to cook ikan fugu, which they had caught nearby.

"Some were not affected after they ate the fish, but five people vomited before they died, while others vomited and passed out," said Darto. Some residents tried to give them coconut water, but it did not help at all, he added.

A preliminary investigation found that those that died or passed out had eaten the boiled innards of the fish, its bones, head and eggs, while those that survived ate only the flesh, which was apparently fried.

Police are still looking into the case.

Many people, mostly among coastal communities, are familiar with the fact that parts of ikan fugu -- locally known as ikan buntal -- are poisonous. Its taste, however, is said to be particularly tempting.

Other such cases have been reported over the past few years, including in coastal areas in Tuban regency and East Java province.

About the puffball fish

- There are several kinds of puffball fish: coconut puffball (tetraodon reticularis), golden puffball (T. fluviatilis), sand puffball (T. immaculatus) and pock-marked puffball (T. leiurus). - It is found at sea or in inland waters - Poisoning can result in death within 10 minutes to three hours - Symptoms: Powerful pain in lips, tongue and fingertips. Powerful headache and vomiting, mouth foams and body is struck by paralysis. - Parts of the puffball fish that should not be eaten are its eggs, eyes, skin and innards.

Source: Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia and a paper by Yuspihana Fitrial of the Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB)