Five etching for Francisco Jose De Goya Y Lucientes
I have no kin
You give me range
If you are blind
I'm wholly blind
I have no confidence
You grant me a foe
You bid me to slay
I'm a runaway
Tay Ho Tong Pharmacy
Since they're deaf, I'm dumb
They did not hear my severe scream
They shout with their voice: Burn! Burn!
Do they think me as Abraham
Even God no longer is my fellow
He's made my skin yellow
Now I'm seared
It's maybe all they desired
Testimony of Sita in May
Since you burn my honor
Loot all my belongs in horror
Since you shaped me, I'm scared to see you
I waver every tender to you
Your hatred and revenge
Like iron in flames
Throws me away into very grave futile
Ravana, Ravana, why do you rape and defile me?
No Horatio, I say nay to sermon
Of power broker and Delphi's oracle
Do not trust the guy who censures
Heaven and another
I'm still with the wind
Put faith in love and pain
I'm engaged to guilt, only me
Not ever will I condemn thee
Parks and monuments
Art councils and House of Parliament
Full of jargon and jabber
This is my party, where's your nose?
Smelled the scent of tea
Watching twilight fall in the suite so free
For a thousand years the color of sun forever like bronze
Here is my heart: The perfect land of sovereign
-- By Cecep Syamsul Hari