Tue, 08 Apr 2003

Fire safety systems

I would like to address a mistake in the article: Expert says fire safety system inexpensive written by M. Taufiqurrahman on page 8 of the March 26, 2003 edition of The Jakarta Post.

In the 10th paragraph, it was written "I think ... that because as a person who has been involved in the inspection of fire protection systems in almost all high-rise buildings in the country ..."

The above words should have been written as:

1. "A person" should be "an organization", referred to as the National Fire Protection Association-International (NFPA). Therefore, the wording should have been "we" or "NFPA".

2. "The inspection" should be "The investigation".

3. In the country should be "All over the world".

NFPA carries out fire investigations all over the world, especially in high-rise building fires that result in fatalities. We publish investigation reports.

False information can mislead readers, affecting our reputation and the Post's editorial staff.

Moreover, I would like to emphasize that the mission of our nonprofit NFPA is "to reduce the burden of fire and other hazards on the quality of life by providing and advocating scientifically based consensus codes and standards, research and education."

Furthermore, my comment on Pak Johnny Pangaribuan is that he is the right man in the right place: I respect and admire him fully.

On the use of helicopters for fighting fires in high-rise buildings, my comment is that Airod of Malaysia had asked me for a special design for pumping water to the helicopter, but still has not found the best solution.

Also, at paragraph 3, it should state, "four meter by four meter" instead of "four-square-meter" area.

Our sincere thanks to Pak Taufiq. You are a bright star. Keep up the good work.

PLACIDUS S. PETRUS, FPA-International, Country Coordinator, Jakarta