Thu, 06 Mar 1997

Few Indonesians study in NZ

MEDAN, North Sumatra: Only 1,500 Indonesians are currently studying in New Zealand universities, Antara quoted New Zealand Ambassador Tim Groser as saying.

The number is far smaller than the number of Indonesians in Malaysia, where there are up to 900 at one university, Groser said in a meeting with the Rector of the University of North Sumatra, Chairuddin P. Lubis, and a number of state university lecturers.

Groser, who is married to a West Sumatran from Bukittinggi, said the small number of students was the result of a lack of promotion by New Zealand universities.

Groser said his office regularly held exhibitions in several cities on New Zealand's higher learning institutions.

Lubis told the lecturers and researchers at the biggest university in Sumatra to expand research cooperation with their colleagues from New Zealand through the exchange of lecturers and students. (swe)