Tue, 19 Aug 2003

Festive moods prevails amid terrors threats

People from all over Indonesia braved terrorist concerns to celebrate Indonesia's 58th Independence Day. Except a small blast in war-torn Lhokseumawe, North Aceh, the celebrations proceeded relatively peacefully. Various events were organized to celebrate the big day, from a flag-raising ceremony at a campsite in Cisarua, Bogor, to a parade in Lhokseumawe and panjat pinang (betel palm tree climbing) at Kuta beach in Bali. Independence Day remains a festive day for most Indonesians.

Photo A : Diver

A diver from Sea World Indonesia holds a four by six-meter flag (photo above) inside the aquarium at the Ancol, North Jakarta, attraction. Sunday's celebration could be observed through the aquarium windows.


Taman Safari Indonesia employees, wildlife conservationists and journalists join in a flag-raising ceremony (photo left) at the park's camping ground in Cisarua, Bogor, on Sunday. Meanwhile, Dayak dancers from Kutai Kartanegara regency in East Kalimantan (photo above) perform a traditional dance at the State Palace in Jakarta after a flag-raising ceremony on Sunday morning.


To celebrate Independence Day, hundreds of Lhokseumawe school children wearing various traditional costumes (photo left, above) parade through the town on Monday. Meanwhile, youths on Jl. Jaksa, Central Jakarta, (photo left, below) compete in balap bakiak (wooden clog race) while two tourists enjoy the sights of panjat pinang (betel palm tree climbing) in Kuta, Bali.