Tue, 07 Dec 1999

Federal state may be better choice

The demand of the Acehnese to hold a referendum immediately poses a number of problems. On the one hand it is their right because of the atrocities they have experienced for the past 10 years at least. On the other hand, the matter is something that saddens the Indonesian nation because demands for a referendum surely have the objective of independence.

Actually, it is astonishing to hear about the rejection of a federal state by people like Coordinating Minister of Political Affairs and Security Gen. Wiranto, Minister of Regional Autonomy Ryaas Rasyid and certain circles in the House of Representatives. We should not view the form of our unitary state as something too sacred that must be maintained forever.

We should not be influenced too much by instigations that the concept of a federal state is a product of foreign forces wanting to dominate our country.

On the contrary we should start seeing that perhaps a federation is the only form that guarantees the unity of the Republic of Indonesia. We should recall our country's slogan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity). Our diversity is the very thing that ensures our country's oneness. Aceh and other regions in Indonesia demanding freedom, would probably wish to remain part of this country as a federal state.

This would certainly require lengthy discussions. It can be questioned if the establishment of a federal state requires the annulment of the 1945 Constitution as averred by Ryaas Rasyid, or does it suffice to amend the article stating that the Republic of Indonesia is a unitary state?

Our ministers should refrain from instilling fear into the community with narrow and shallow conservative thinking. Instead they should openly impart information to the community on the advantages and drawbacks of various forms of the state.

