Fri, 18 Feb 2000

Farmers upset over unsold rice

MAKASSAR, South Sulawesi (JP): Four million farmers in 23 regencies in South Sulawesi province are frustrated because at least half of the four tons of unhusked rice in the recent harvest remains unsold.

Deni Martino Paulus, the head of Sub Logistics Regional Office VII, said on Thursday the provincial logistics agency, which usually buys the rice, can not afford to buy all the rice as it lacks sufficient funds.

"The money to buy the unhusked rice has yet to be dispatched by the central government," Deni said, adding that he was aware that the unsold unhusked rice could rot.

A farmer in Maros regency named Dalle said farmers were also frustrated by the low selling price of the rice.

"Now it's only Rp 600 per kilogram, while it was previously Rp 1,200," he said.

Farmers have no obligation to sell rice to the agency. However, if the market price of unhusked rice is too low the agency is obliged to buy the rice at a better price. (27/sur)