Fri, 20 Jun 1997

Farewell colonialism

Although I'm sure that some highbrow will judge the content of this letter "naive", I cannot avoid raising an important event which China has declared a national public holiday -- the return of Hong Kong to China on July 1, 1997.

I find it difficult to believe that throughout the world every country should celebrate this event. The first of July will be a great day even though we'll be obliged to partake in the usual, pathetic show. Those thrown out through the main door will try to act dumb in order to slip back in through some window or partake in the usual farce such as pretending to place their feet outside the border before midnight but, on my behalf, try to keep at least one foot inside the border.

It's an old script that has been played so many times that the protagonists, usually from the same cast or from the same drama school, can play it by heart. But never mind, the important thing is that Hong Kong will finally be reintegrated with its mainland. As a upholder of freedom, I consider the event a further step toward the final target, when all countries will be integrated with their original land.

I believe that until the word "colonialism" is properly defined, it's very difficult to pronounce the word "civilization". How long have the words protectorate, sovereignty, empire, possession or any other pathetic synonym been used to hide or camouflage the word colonialism? And why doesn't the word self-respect still not make sense? Nothing will change until throughout the world, every last flag will be freed from the symbol of dominating and exploiting somebody else.

The day when even the last square meter of land is returned to the mainland will be a blessed day. Only then will human beings stop being just a character and become a real person.

