Fri, 27 Jun 1997

Family accuse police of murder

UJUNGPANDANG, South Sulawesi: Pani Dg. Ngempo reported to the Ujungpandang Legal Aid Institute on Wednesday that local police had beaten his son, Komaruddin, to death last week.

Ngempo's other son, 28-year-old Jumaing, said Komaruddin had been beaten by four police on a street near the border of the Barabaraya and Karuwisi villages, before being taken to a police station. Several people had witnessed the beating.

"Two days later, we were told that Komaruddin had died. Just like that," Ngempo said.

Ujungpandang Police Chief Col. Moch. Darus said Komaruddin had been beaten to death on June 19 by enraged locals after he had stabbed a pedicab driver to death.

After a night in the police station, Komaruddin had been taken to hospital where he had died the following night, Darus said.

Doctors at Hasanuddin University have performed an autopsy on Komaruddin's body, but the results have not been released. (37/39)