Wed, 13 Nov 1996

Facts, time will reveal E. Timor's truth

We are grateful for Malaysia's firm rejection of the recently planned conference on East Timor in that country, "for the sake of maintaining good relations" and "because the issue is an internal affair of Indonesia". Earlier, the president of the Philippines took an identical stance when NGOs in that country announced plans to call a similar meeting Nov. 21-24.

Even so, we cannot continue to rely on "ASEAN solidarity" and "good neighborly relations" in this matter. What we must continue to do is show the world the real situation in East Timor. Only facts and time will be able to reveal to the world what actually is going on in that youngest of Indonesian provinces. Only in this way can the various campaigns conducted by political adventurers such as Ramos Horta and his supporters be refuted.

-- Republika, Jakarta