Mon, 22 Jul 1996

Export boost needed

Encouraging exports has become a major theme (in our economic policies). Various deregulation measures have been taken with the aim of creating a healthy business climate. Deregulation, however, is not automatically bringing us closer to our desired target. The effects of deregulation are greatly dependent on how we implement it. The proof: despite the various deregulation measures that have been taken, our non-oil exports are still in a precarious position, our current account deficit is still high and our foreign indebtedness -- which basically is meant to cover our budget deficits -- remains substantially at a high level.

It seems that a new approach is called for in order to step up our exports. A climate is needed which makes it possible for creative individuals to emerge to detect and develop new business opportunities: a climate that yields individuals who can achieve breakthroughs and absorb manpower.

In the export sector, we should conduct an audit to reevaluate our major export products. Such an audit should focus on major export products for the future. We should be moving with greater vitality in facing the increasingly fierce competition. For that purpose, a change in our pattern of thinking and acting is needed. At the very least, we could do this by not putting an overly great emphasis on elaborate and exhausting procedures.

-- Bisnis Indonesia, Jakarta